Monochrome Monday: Memories of Winter #2


Monochrome Monday: Memories of Winter #1


Shadyside Park, Anderson, Indiana

One Word Photo Challenge: Winter

10.29.15 winter

Anderson, Indiana



One Word Photo Challenge: Blizzard

If you lived in the Midwest in January 1978 you’ll remember The major blizzard that devastated the region. I was in college during mid semester break. There were very few students on campus. We weren’t allowed to leave our dorms for two days and weren’t to leave campus for a week. We hung out at the student center where there was food, limited as it was. Trucks were unable to get through to deliver food. After a week we ventured out to the grocery store that still handing received many deliveries and most shelves were bare. But it was a nice change of scenery

This photo was taken just before I fell through the snow that reached my hips.

9.17.15 bilizzard

Anderson University, Anderson Indiana



One Word Photo Challenge: Snow

8.13.5 snow





One Word Photo Challenge: Cold

5.26.15 cold

 Mounds State Park, Indiana



Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge: 2015 Week #5

Wintery Trails


Whitewater State Park, Indiana


cees which way

Monochrome Monday: Frozen


Shadyside Park, Indiana

Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Walking in a Winter Wonderland


Brookville Lake, Whitewater Memorial State Park, Indiana


Check out other posts for Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Spotlight on a Florida Christmas: Let it Snop, Let is Snop, Let it Snop

IMG_20141205_203608Now Snowing…

Florida just got an inch of the fluffy white stuff. What’s Christmas without snow? We here in Florida have an answer for that…snop. That fluffy white stuff comes down in gobs of soapy bubbles. Be careful though, the soapy snow is just as slippery as the real thing. One good thing, we don’t have to trade in our flip-flops for snow boots.

Now Snowing is just one of central Florida’s “snowing” events and can be enjoyed nightly at Celebration’s Town Center.

There is plenty to do here at Celebration’s celebration. There are strolling carolers, lots of food, photo ops with Santa, horse-drawn carriage rides, and the Celebration Express.

There is a skating rink. Ok, fooled ya again. It’s not real ice. I don’t know what it is or what those skate looking things are on their feet but they are skating, somewhat.


And of course there’s the snow snop falling nightly at 6, 7, 8 and 9pm. Too bad our weather people aren’t that accurate.

Children waiting eagerly for the first snow fall.


Then the snop storm begins…


Here’s a fun fact for you to chew on…how can you tell a Floridian from a Northerner?


IMG_20141205_210542If you’ll notice the couple on the right they’re wearing winter coats and just watching the child play. Now look at the mom and kids to the left. Yup, they’re northerners, short sleeves and posing for a photo. Ok, so this is a little simplified but it’s so very common. And what was I wearing? Considering temps were in the upper 60s, I word long sleeves, a sweater and as always flip-flops – is there anything else? Some day I’ll invest in real shoes – – just not today.